The replica fashion industry is worth $600 billion. Known as fake fashion, these knock-offs are products that look exactly like a high-fashion brand, but in-fact they are actually cheap, low quality and fake. Due to the increasing trend of fast-fashion, the youth in unable to spend huge amounts of money on a desired brand and often end up buying a replica.
However, it is unfortunate when someone is fooled into buying a counterfeit while paying the original price. Majority of fake designer clothing is sold online. Buyers are unable to judge the piece of clothing as it has to be done through pictures, and that is where the problem lies. Pictures are highly deceiving and can be faked easily.
Here’s how you can save your hard-earned money and spot designer know-offs from a mile away!
Ensure that the logo is printed correctly. Recently the market was flooded with a Gucci/Coach hybrid replica fooling many buyers. “Goach” bags – the “C” in the Coach logo are often subtly transformed into a “G”. These slight differences could save you from buying a fake product.
Designer clothing generally have logos printed on zipper pulls, inside of the pockets and these are mostly embroidered or engraved instead of being stamped on.
2. Workmanship
First thing to check for on designer handbags are the seams. The replica will not have the craftsmanship and details such as the fabric and patterns won’t line up at the seams. For example, LV products always line up along the seams.
Authentic products do not have loose threads, irregular stitching or unraveling zippers, these are the signs that it hasn’t been made well.
3. Price
This has to be the most common way to determine whether the item you’re buying is and original or a replica. Top notch designer products will never be sold at throw away prices even during a sale. So if you see an enticing deal, it’s definitely not an original.
4. Location
When buying a product online, always check if the seller is authentic and registered. Buying from an official website is recommended and if purchasing second-hand items you must check the address of the sender. If the addresses are from China, you should probably think twice before making a purchase.
5. Documentation
Designer clothing, bags and shoes all come with their boxes, dust cover bags, guarantee and identification cards. These things determine the products authenticity. If your designer item arrives in a plastic bag with simple tags and no documentation it will probably be a replica.
Have you ever purchased a designer knock-off unknowingly? How do you check for authenticity?